My Systemcheats review
The cheat I use right now is the cheat for Black Ops 3.
But this review is not just about the Bo3 cheat, it's about most of the Systemcheats-cheats.
That's because all of the currently 54 different cheats are very similar. Some cheats have specific features which are not available on others.
But most of the features (Aimbot, Esp, Radar, Triggerbot) are the same for every cheat.
Advantages of Systemcheats:
+ You are able to change ur subscription from let's say TeamFortress 2 to Battlefield 4.
You can do this just once and the cheat you're switching to has to cost the same amount (or less) then the previous one did.
The number of days you had before won't be changed.
+ One programm for all of your cheats.
+ You get the chance to try out cheats for other games for free.
+ Support in multiple languages (English, German, French...).
+ By referring a friend, you and him (or her :bleh3: ) will get 7 extra days added to your subscriptions.
+ Good prices and a lot of cheats.
+ Live status of every cheat. You can see if a cheat is detected/not working, updating, or undetected/working. (
Disadvantages of Systemcheats:
- The need of disabling UAC per Registry on Windows 8+. (It won't let me open pictures by double clicking)
- Something could shrink by a few centimeters...
I would not say it's good nor bad that all the cheats are internal.
The features of the Black Ops 3 cheat:
You can see all the features of the Blops 3 cheat here: (
The menu is pretty clean and easy to use.
I always use the option of saving 3 different variations of my settings.
1. Only esp, 2. Esp and aimbot, 3. Esp and aimbot with different settings.
Some people might need more then 3 slots to save their settings, but I dont really need more then 2.
The aimbot gets his job done nicely. The Bone-Scan option is very nice, it doesn't aim just at the head or chest, it scans for the best/closest bone to aim at.
It looks pretty legit if you have a high amount of smooth aim.
Sadly there are just 2 bones, to have some more would be great in combination with the bone-scan.
The aimbot can be used to totaly destroy the enemy team, but trust me, you will be quickly banned by TAC.
I think the Hardlock is good to keep your aim onpoint while wallrunning and boosting/jumping, but can be a bit too obvious.
Since I will be giving points:
7/10 Points.
Esp or 3D Radar:
The esp is fine, it does have a bunch of settings, but I use only a few of them.
I really like the 2D/3D box feature.
The visibility-check works very good, but sometimes (extremely rarely) players which are behind a wall are shown as visible.
The opposite thing happens aswell, a hand or a small part of a leg, etc. is visible and they dont get marked as visible..
Im not too sure if the second thing is meant to be like this or not.
There is one more glitch while wallrunning, where the boxes are drawn under the other players.
There is also a sound-esp, but I did not use it.
7/10 Points.
2D Radar and Misc:
Never used it.
?/10 Points.
I only used the triggerbot a few times.
The different settings for it are the basic ones like triggerdely, etc.
It did not fail to shoot even once while I used it.
5.5/10 Points.
The colors are a neat feature to have.
You can change the color of the espboxes, wich allows you to just have the esp show visible enemies.
I played around with it but I kept the default colors
8.5/10 Points.
A few last words:
First of,for reading all this text till here (just a little bit more to go
). Well there are a lot of things I like about Systemcheats, the cheats might have a few bugs or glitches,
but it's not really expensive and it got everything a good cheat needs. The detection rate of the cheats doesn't seem to be too bad. It's definitly worth the money. And if you think about buying the 1 day trial to test the cheats,
I advise you to get the 1 month sub instead. I tought about writing a german version of this review (why? coz I can... and I'm from Germany), but I'm too lazy and I don't belive it's worth the effort.
That's the end of my review, I hope you liked it and I could help you deciding to buy (or to not buy). :biggrin2: