(Features, 10/10)
First of all, This cheat is amazing and one of the only ones I could find with an actual working vehicle ESP.
I didn't have a single problem every time I inject the cheat, my game runs well and the cheat starts up fast.
I absolutely love the menu and all the customizable options. It's great that u can have ur own crosshair and it shows time and FPS and I think that's really good.
There's ONLY ONE THING i wish the cheat had and that is Skeleton HACKS, or BONE ESP, or chams. Whatever it's called. That's literally the only single thing that I wish the cheat had but it doesn't upset me that it doesn't at all because I still absolutely DESTROY people with this menu!
(Anything I don't like? NO! 10/10)
I never had problems with the cheat, after I bought it I was able to downlead the loader put my key in and start cheating right away.
There's nothing bad about opening the loader and injecting, it's all fast and easy. There's absolutely nothing bad about the loader, I love how it displays important information like sales and such.
( Security and being undetectable, 10/10 I've never been banned and I play legit)
The security of the cheat is awesome! I have 40hours on battlefield V just hacking with it and I haven't been banned a single time! I play very legit and I never use aimbot or anything to assist aim and I went from level 2 to level 38 with so much vehicle and all this cool stuff I would have never got without the cheat menu! They also give u a couple of games to cheat on for free!
Like L4D2, Killing Floor, Anthem, and more! I use BFV and Anthem on a daily basis and never been banned!
In Conclusion, this is one of the best cheat sites here and the fact that it's cheap makes it actually affordable and I hope the prices never go higher and stay the same or maybe become lower. I will definitely be buying a BFV subscription every month because I love the cheat and it's what I have been looking for for a while!
Here is my trustpilot review: https://www.trustpilot.com/submitted...1-73e49fde1599
Long last Systemcheats.net!