I used this hack a year back when survival was released (1.2) and was pleasantly surprised by the cheer amount of featured this menu has.
I just started playing the division again with the 1.8 update and wanted to post an updated review to say that this hack menu is still going strong
All the features listed here are STILL working.
Although I recommend against using anything under the MISC section eg. 'high firerate' and 'teleport' because those have been detectable since April 2016. (When used too much, that is)
The division private forum is still quite active, so you can post questions there and you will immidiately have a couple of users and admins jump in to answer your question
Personally I use the aimbot and ESP with no recoil and no spread. It's ridiculously easy to blast through high difficulty content with this
I'm also quite a fan of the warning system (red text pops up on your screen when an enemy player aims at you). It saved my ass multiple times
Great stuffDo recommend