After going through many different websites for different games I found one trend - other websites don't update their content regularly. I'm currently a lifetime member of a different website and at this time, they have "22" available hacks, and of those, 7 are detected, or have been patched. Four of those 7 have been at that status since I bought my lifetime membership.
I bought the One Day Trial with System Cheats just to try it on Killing Floor 2. First I found for that game.
I have to say I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for it. I was able to sit at the center of a map in singleplayer (it works online) and make it blatantly obvious by setting the aim angle to 180 and aiming for headshots. I didn't take damage from anything except Husks. The entire wave. I did kite around the Patriarch, but still super easy. From monitoring forums and really doing my research, I'm really disappointed that I missed the Black Friday sale on the full package by less than 24 hours.
(Big hint, I'll throw my money at you if there's a Cyber Monday deal tomorrow, but my sphincter is a little chapped that I could've gotten 50% off yesterday, but not today.)