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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Thanked 12 Times in 5 Posts

    "All Star" CF NA Cheat Review

    Just let me make this one point real clear, the cheat is more than anyone can ask for.

    Yes there's some down side on it but hey, the up side out weights the down side by so much.

    At first I had some problems, all cheats have some problems, with the settings and I had to play around with it and figure what works and what doesn't. Spent a good 4 days on it to fine the right setting for me. I critique it a bit and finally I had my settings. It didn't let me down at all. Playing without it is already good for me as I was doing fairly well for myself without it, but the aimbot really assisted me whenever I couldnt get a good shot. The cheat in my opinion is great.

    I keep on buying this cheat every 3 months at a time and I've yet to be dissatified. I'll be a customer for life as long as the cheat gets constantly updated and fixed with some bugs.

    I know some people will hate the cheat but hey, that's their problem, not the coder's fault. They really try to help us out a lot and we should offer a bit of gratitude towards them because without them, there would be no CF cheat.

    So all in all, I'll give this cheat a 9/10, 9 because i've had very little problems with it and it's just simply great.

    Why not a 10 you say? Because nothing is perfect. If everything was perfect, no one would have the need to even cheat.

    You guys should buy a month of the cheat and judge it yourself, the trial 1 day won't help at all because it takes a bit of getting used to and adjusting the settings around to your liking. Many people buy the trial and then rage about it because they can't figure things out and didn't follow the instructions.

    The instructions listed is so good and detailed that it's almost impossible to mess up. If there are hiccups, who comes to the rescue? Coders and moderators
    Their technical support is so good!

    It even made me create a guide for the game as well and I'm not easily persuade.
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  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to DeathDealer For This Useful Post:

    Kaito (10-16-2015),Scythe (10-16-2015),SystemFiles (10-16-2015)

  3. #2
    SystemFiles's Avatar
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    Thank you for your awesome and detailed review. This is a review we appreciate and any potential customer will appreciate. Enjoy our cheats and have a nice day.
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  4. #3
    Scythe's Avatar
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    Feb 2015
    Thanked 675 Times in 576 Posts
    Thanks for your kind words buddy. Glad you like our cheats, and our community.
    Play safe, and happy cheating.
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