I was hesitant to buy these hacks, as you might be right now. I went ahead and bought the One Day Trial, then the Dirty Bomb Subscription and I gotta say I AM IMPRESSED. There is soooooooo many features it's amazing. Personally, I love turning on Aimbot and Trigger Bot and pretend to be a skilled "legit" player. VERY FUN... One of my favorite features is SMOOTH AIM. This will make you look more legit. Also, this game is IN BETA. Their Anti Cheat SUCKS! So don't even worry about getting banned early on. I really love using these hacks. I don't have time and don't to spend 9999 hours on getting GOOD at a game. This game's matchmaking system sucks anyways so it's great to have hacks.
Sleek Design, easy to use
-Hack Layout-
Very well done, looks great and organized
-Hacks Themselves-
WORK AMAZING, constantly undetected, tons of features, and able to customize to suit my needs
$10.95 a month is AMAZING! So many other websites charge $15.00 to $20.00! And aren't even NEAR the quality of these hacks.
I'm really glad I found these hacks, and really glad they're set at such a reasonable price.
Great hacks, REALLY recommend these.