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Thread: cod ghosts

  1. #1

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    cod ghosts

    I have been playing the call of duty ghosts game with ur new hack online and I absolutely love it. the aimbot just absolutely kicks ass. I would definitely refer anyone to try this hack for I think its one of the bests thus far. the only one thing I can see wrong with it is when you are on certain maps it can see people threw the walls and will start firing at them until you get the kill.. threw the wall. I think this is the only thing that kind of throws it off a bit but as I said other then that great cheat great job system cheats.!

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to DeabloDelo For This Useful Post:

    Psychopath (02-23-2014)

  3. #2
    Lunatic's Avatar
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    We appreciate your great feedback on our cheat. I've never personally had the issue you are talking about because when I play I use small fox and smooth aim. This allows me to appear legit but not go in and start shooting people through walls.

    But we definitely strive to fix any issues you may have with our cheats.

  4. #3
    Psychopath's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Thanked 7,048 Times in 2,938 Posts
    Thanks for the review appreciate it!

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