first off id like to say 11/10 IGN for this cheat level up so fast but id like to add DONT WALL BANG and dont use a lmg
i love your cheats guys and i will come back for more !!!!!
first off id like to say 11/10 IGN for this cheat level up so fast but id like to add DONT WALL BANG and dont use a lmg
i love your cheats guys and i will come back for more !!!!!
hanspeter16 (06-18-2015),iCrusade (06-18-2015),irgendwer (06-18-2015),Kaito (06-18-2015),KripTed (06-19-2015),L33T (06-19-2015),Psychopath (06-18-2015),Scythe (06-18-2015)
Thanks for the feedback
glad you are liking it here.
Thanks for review buddy.
Enjoy playing with our cheats.
Happy Cheating.