Been using system-cheats for about 3 months total now on different games. Never banned never overwatched etc.
Now i bought dirty bomb because i feel it has potential as a free 2 play game down the road.. no one has yet to call me a cheater.... unlike in csgo where u get called cheater even when u dont haha
But the best thing about using this cheat is that you get a huge headstart on alot of other players. It literally took me the only the last 3 hours to get 3 gold cards
Now having bought the cheat and using a simular configuration as the one you can find in the customers section for legit use no one is going to be suspicious unless ur stupid and go rage cheating... which is the easy way to get the dev team to look at better anti cheat....
Aimbot Legit: 10/10
ESP: 7/10 to much colors and lines to make it perfect... but its above good.
Trigger bot: Dont use it but i guess it's just as good as the rest of the cheat!!
If you have any interestest in dirty bomb use the cheat as a great income tool for your loadouts