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  1. #1
    AAMods's Avatar
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    Sea of Thieves Sea Of Thieves Cheat Review

    First off, I have to say well done I love the menu and how easy it is to setup and run. I've been playing SOT - (Sea Of Thieves) since it first was out and became a PL - (Pirate Legend) without even cheating, but after some time on PC server's I noticed the increase In cheaters due to lack of new content and there Anti cheat system being trash. So I figured I was max level so why not join the fun and boy I'm glad that I did. With this menu its been so much easier stacking gold because all the dig spots are marked for you and you can run right to them. You can see what kind of loot player/skelly ships are loaded with so you can decide if it's worth the time. There are so many cool options in this SOT cheat menu.

    So If your looking for a awesome cheat menu to clap some pirates or just help you stack this is the best menu you can find for such a great price. Iv been running the cheat for almost 2 weeks now with no issues and no ban. (Abuse can lead to ban) - So if enough players report you then you could get banned but Using this menu alone will not get your account banned. It's a tool just like everything else it just depends on how you use it.

    That being said great job guys I can't Waite to see the updates you have coming.

    1. Easy setup
    2. No performance drops
    3. Easy to customize
    4. Settings can be saved
    5. Dig Spot ESP is amazing and makes digging so much faster
    6. Customizable Keys
    7. Microsoft Store Supported
    8. Steam Supported

    1. Aim on Ship Aimbot Needs Work (Already Being Worked On)
    2. If In a alliance server ESP sees everyone as enemy still. (So I would disable ESP)
    3. Player ESP distance is fairly low compared to Ship ESP (Being Able to Adjust would be nice)
    4. Allowing more custom hotkeys would be nice like say to be able to set a key to enable or disable barrel ESP.
    Last edited by AAMods; 06-11-2022 at 07:05 AM.
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  2. #2
    FreshMan's Avatar
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    Thank you very much for the kind words
    2 Days added to your subscription, if you want the extra 3, be sure to post at our Trustpilot.

    Regarding your Cons poin 3. The cheat can only show what the game renders. The game does render Ships further than players. Therefore you cant see Player ESP as far as ship ESP.
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