Hi, or as my usual greeting to people I dislike [Broadcast]: TiggsFight: Banned "legitimateplayer" (Because****youthatswhy)
I bought your cheat the other day after (seriously) being banned (FF) more than epic goat, sometimes being banned dozens of times in a single day. Diane Migliaccio (my real name) black listed (myself) so frequently, on every IP, with every hardware id I had; that I was literally rendered unable to even log in. What I really bought it for, was the spoofer, and quite frankly, I haven't REALLY had the chance to test it out in any actual capacity. By that I mean, I intend to use your cheat program to play legitimately, thus side skirting all the hwid etc... bans - without using any of the actual "cheat" functions. My skill as a player has been culminated through thousands of hours of play, dozens of characters, on every server, across years since the game has been release. I stuck it out through thick and thin, long after most right minded veterans smartly quit. And throughout that time, not once have I EVER cheated, not ONE ****ING TIME.
I didn't even try cheats on a re roll, "just for fun". Never downloaded free ****, never even visited hack sites. In fact, when offered a certain "animals" hacks back when I initially got ****ed under illegitimate circumstances for reasons still unbeknownst to me, I turned him down hoping I could re roll. So I did just that. And low and behold, playing under the radar exactly the same as I did before, no fair****ery. I made it to a high rank when, LE GASP, suddenly, EVERYONE ****ING KNEW WHO I WAS. Wouldn't you ****ing know it, once everyone started calling me out, BANNED. After months, and months, and MONTHS of playing exactly the same as I had before, fair fight "mysteriously" found its way, once again, to my doorstep. I just had to laugh, players like lie, gurren, tele, all these players who got banned continuing not only to play openly, but stream as well being allowed to keep playing... After being "statistically banned", and still playing exactly the same way, if not more bull**** than before. ****ing hilarious, if you ask me.
But, enough of my life story.
Yes, I fully understand the seething irony of having to PAY for a CHEAT program to play LEGIT in a FREE-to-play game.
HOWEVER, I would be remiss if i didn't try out your lets say... features? One certainly wants to know hes getting what he paid for does he not? And seeing as this is my first time using a program, I thought I would familiarize myself with all that 10.95$ has to offer.
And your features DO WORK AS ADVERTISED. FAR exceeding any of my expectation for what to expect. Crank that **** up to 11, and see how blatant you can get. My expectations were low on your cheat, but as for the actual cheat functions? JESUS does it deliver.
I started playing with my friends, using everything off. Some time went by, and I managed to skirt the usual 15 minute "tiggs" ban (where it says, "a gm has kicked you no reason 10008"). I turned off my vpn just to check something, within 30 minutes I get tiggsbanned, which tells me for the most part, my **** was spoofed properly. And as an added bonus, thanks for the new hwid it took tiggs's angry ass a bit longer to ban me (seriously, she hunts me down like a ****ing animal), since fairfight had to match old ip, with new hwid. This gives me a reasonable amount of faith that with a fresh ip I can play unmolested by ignorant orange jersey cows with a hate-on for skilled legitimate players who speak a little too much "truth". But, back on track.
This morning, I decided on being a little "closet". Playing apb for as long as I have, against the legions of hacking hoards, made me instantly familiar with the features. Playing with the settings, I can EASILY see how a player could go undetected with the proper slow rotation snap angle settings. Actually, playing around with the settings led me to an epiphany about many players that have been around for years. It wouldn't be beyond the scope and realm of reality to think some top level players who are still SOMEHOW ****ing around are using your program! Anyway, I was pretty satisfied with the closet settings. Most people wouldn't know better with the more succinct settings such as triggerbot or slow rotation/low angle. I especially like the bone snapping, which most free bull**** cheaters I have seen don't have. It really makes you highly competitive as a faux-legitimate player, since most skilled/smart players are smart enough to hide their center box against a perceived bot, myself included. Add in the randomize element, and you've got yourself a receipt for an indistinguishable cheater, who can pass off as legit. Throw in a white listing, or being on tiggs's "special friends" list; and you will NEVER get banned with this cheat, so long as the staff here make an effort to keep it supported.
Now, as for the BLATANT AS HELL settings, I was pretty thrilled at how well they worked, even under the most diverse circumstances. This bot has walls, which are great, and very informative; though I would like to be able to see player health in both a big number (out of /1000, the total player hp) and possibly a bar so I can judge at a glance high priority targets. Regardless, the 3d radar is great and lets me see player hitboxes in both 2d and 3d with active, or passive tracking. This feature REALLY helps me fight people who abuse corner mechanics, and buggy hitboxes. Even as skilled and knowledgeable as I am, fighting corner boxers is still something I have had trouble with on ocassion, and this really helps me understand the game in a way I NEVER have before. Call it perspective, but at the very least your cheat has improved my purely legitimate game play (map/player awareness) as well. Actually, it has kind of raised my eyebrows as to the legitimacy (walls) of some other players. Luckily you guys added a feature I REALLY like, which is aim lines, extend that **** out far and turn on walls and you can really see what some of these so called "legitimate white listed players" are made of. Dont let my nihilism deter you though, look at it as a selling point. For the most part your cheat is the one of last few supporting this ****ing ruined game, and if your customers are still going, more power to you guys! In conclusion; on the blatant settings, their ****ing off the rails. Your latency compensation allows me to play @ 300+ ms and still rail people with no ****ing issues, and really make some sperglords salty. If you wanna go blatant, this is the cheat for you.
Overall I am extremely satisfied with your cheat, the blatant features are out of ****ing control, and if configured properly, can ruin people. The closet settings are finely tune-able, to the point where even as an extremely experienced veteran, some of these would be difficult to detect. Get a reputation for being a "legit" player (whitelist), and you could easily use this non stop 24/7 with no fear of getting tiggs'd. Be friends with her ALA kemp, dogfish, leotek, shinidesu (who seriously plays exactly like he is using a cheat) etc... and you could downright bring your settings up to 11 - replicating even above the best legitimate player, since as far as I can tell, these hack are the real deal UNDETECTED.
At this point SOME people on this forum may have realized who I am, I make no attempt to hide It, since now I have a GREAT program to do it for me. I would like to thank the SC staff for making, and hopefully continuing to support this great program (especially your hwid and vol-id spoofer) now and in the future, if for no reason to give the ****ing retards running the game straight into the ground like it literally is their ****ing job (as they have demonstrated countless times in the past, and have become extremely adept at).
I can say that without a doubt, this is THE BEST MONEY I HAVE EVER SPENT ON APB. At this point I regret every dollar I have ever spent, and I think if any of us knew what would happen to this ****ing game, especially our accounts which we poured our heart, soul, time, and finances into, only to be treated like **** in the end... I would have bought this **** MONTHS ago.
I ask those of you who have identified me, to reserve judgement for resorting to this; if you understand my plight as a legitimate player who loved apb with all his heart, and had it **** out and shoved down his throat, i am sure others of you can understand. I am still commited to playing legitimately now, and in the future, and although I haven't had the chance to really rank up a character, i am sure my next attempt will be max rank - brought to you by system cheats.
PS: I dont have the chance to play on a fresh IP for a while, is there any way I can have an admin suspend my 1 month ( I bought the cheapest just to try it out, I regret not buying more- A free sub would be nice too, hell, ill just take a spoofer only if you're willing to offer me a discount). Until I REALLY have a chance to break in your cheat? At which time I can say/endorse your cheat with 100 percent certainty? If you know who I am, and I am able to run a character up to a high rank playing just as I had before, you will KNOW your **** is 100 PERCENT the real deal when it comes to UNDETECTED cheats.
I would like to extend a personal thanks to the SC cheats staff/programmers. Keep up the great work guys!