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  1. #1
    deaktz's Avatar
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    Battlefield 4 hack preview

    Even though some weeks has passed since my subscription ended, but I still want to recommend this hack for everyone.
    So the hack has only ESP which is fine by me, because I didn't even look hack with Aimbot. I didn't play much Battlefield 4 because I don't have so good computer that runs it so well, so I had lags but hack didn't have anything to do with my lags.

    - Features (10/10)
    Well, it was just an ESP which is fine by me. Good for "legit" playing and of course all of the features worked.

    - Design (9/10)
    It was simple and easy to use, but the menu got bugged on me sometimes.

    - Security (9/10)
    I guess SystemCheats won't get caught by Punkbuster but there is always possibility of a ban when you're using cheats. I keep the detection as improbable.

    - Support (10/10)
    The support is fast and friendly. I don't have any reason to moan.

    - Price (10/10)
    $7.95 isn't really much for this hack even for a month. It's really worth it.

    -Overall (9/10)
    My opinion is that SystemCheats does really good work at their hacks. In this one, there is just couple of bugs but It doesn't really affect to your game experience. Price is low and undetection rate is high.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to deaktz For This Useful Post:

    irgendwer (01-16-2015),Kaito (01-16-2015),Psychopath (01-17-2015),SystemFiles (01-16-2015),Team Faglets (01-16-2015)

  3. #2
    SystemFiles's Avatar
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    Thank you for your review. We appreciate the kind words.

  4. #3
    Kaito's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Thanked 247 Times in 226 Posts
    Thank you for this review!

  5. #4
    Lunatic's Avatar
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    Sep 2013
    Thanked 156 Times in 110 Posts
    Can't go wrong with this review. Neat and straight to the point.

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