If you are bored you ask your soul what to do.
If you suffer something you smash it.
If you hate something ignore or make it suffer.
If you can't become a part of something tell it to them face that you are worth it.
If you suck at something start something new.
If you have only one thing to do every day then change it.
The only way you can free your brain is using freeing your memories and think about everything that goes around this world.
If you have free your brain start predict stuff.
There is no bad side or good side you choose how you play it.
Getting trolled is the thing you love.
Not becoming something that you want because you need to be 18+ is not an big deal as long you show them your soul that you already know those stuff.
Swearing will infect your brain try to avoid it or if you know the risk and know how to avoid it self spreading then nothing stops you.
People that act like retards means that they are alone or they have friends that force him to be a part of something if he spreads the virus.
You are the anti virus you choose which virus will best fit in your future.
When you can't stop an virus feel free to ask somebody who knows all the answers how to control your brain.
Devil and God don't exist but they made us to obey stuff and choose different sides but some people like me choose natural.
Hope that helps I had no idea what i was writing so it came out from my soul that was suffering stuff and it want to spread out messages.
Feel free to ask me questions why I wrote those stuff![]()
Some people will feel I am not prepared about those stuff who said you need to some of the stuff you can.
# (Hint that will help to staff members) when you think kids don't understand something sometimes they do but there is a small chance that an kid can become an super human and start obey you. Feel free to teach others how to do hacks if they are interested because when you can't do something they will and they will help you don't keep stuff away because the creator of that idea hacking that made you to came out with that idea to make hack clients wants you not only find the realism and virtual of the world there is something that is hidden in the word hack and hack has good and bad side there is one more side which is not neutral and it waits to be reviled but i can't go further. magic don't exit but you can make your brain to imagine them and become real in your dreams that will provide you with the answer. some of those stuff are crazy but we are humans and we have bunch of stupid stuff going on in us brains. Remember if you try to get t he answer you need to know when we ware humans we had none of those stuff but now we know some of them because we created them and start spreading them because it made us to create those stuff computers buildings ETC..
Keep in mind those stuff are for high level brain thinking only super human or an smart ass can come with those stuff written heh.