Hello everyone! Some of you probably know me, most don't, since I'm only a subscriber to the CF NA forum. I create guides("how to") and advise people on good and bad methods/choices for CF players. Haven't made any recent guides as I'm out of topics!
Before you say anything else, CF NA cheat is just superb. How superb you may ask? Well, look at it this way, I've been subscribing to this forum for almost a year already. Moreover, I just literally subscribed for another 6 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION! That's how awesome I think of the cheat, 6 months from now I know this is still going to still be the best of the best. I also made a review on this cheat just roughly 3 months ago! Anyways, let's start this review!
I know many people just focus on the good things about everything, but lets take a moment and see the bad things about this cheat first. You know the saying, "When you forgive, you start to love."
This cheat could use a little more fixing and some more added features to lure more customers in. Yeah yeah yeah, why not just add speed hack and then the game would be unplayable for EVERYONE. Yeah right! The cheats features offered are already substantially enough to play this game and be called a hacker, let alone add in features to ruin the game even more.
The one true thing that goes for all the cheats in the world, first time loading it in and playing with it can be so annoying and difficult. You got to find the right settings, adjust your aim angle, esp color, etc. That takes time, the 1 day Trial payment isn't enough for you to say bad things about the cheat. No one uses the Trial for 1 day and then have the "perfect" settings. It took me a little over 3 days to get that right, nice and smooth setting. After that, it's all fun and games.
It's kind of hard thinking of the bad side of this cheat, so lets start on the GOOD THINGS ABOUT IT!
I had very little problems when starting the cheat on my first day. Many people have so many problems when it came to starting it because their computer was missing some sort of program/file. Why did they encounter problems and I didn't? Because I followed the instruction WORD BY WORD. The instructions given to you are very detailed and if followed correctly, you should not have a single problem when starting the cheat.
The support team is very good. Whenever I did encounter problems, they helped out fairly quickly. Many people don't notice them because we're all too busy in-game shooting things up
. Lets give the support team a round of an applause.
We wouldn't be playing ingame if the support team wasn't here to troubleshoot our problems.
Lets give another round of an applause to the great staff that this site has. Not many sites have as a great staff as this one. They're all kind and lenient on punishments. Of course there's always a line that can't be crossed.
The cheat itself is just great. Whenever it gets detected, there's a quick update ready to go. Sadly, sometimes that's not the case as SystemFiles is a busy person with a life. We can't expect 24/7 around the clock updates, that would probably kill him the first month the site was launched. Everyone has a life, stop assuming some people are here to babysit you. If anyone expects that kind of site, then it's best you make your own hack. Don't know how? Then simply drool at the superior being, SystemFiles! :kosta:
All in all, I'll give this cheat, again, a 9/10! I feel like it's deja vu here, but we can't expect everything to be perfect! If everything was perfect, we would have no need to cheat on games.
Thanks for your time reading this review, if you've read this far, then you should buy/extend the CF NA forum access quickly!![]()