Im going to share my review on The First Descendant after almost a month using the cheats from systemcheats!!
First of all , The cheat was great ! it working perfectly and very easy to use ! Im having a blast using this almost everyday !
Aimbot is 9.8/10 ! its perfect! especially on mobs , u can just press shoot button and just let it target for you effortlessly ! The aim was sharp , it very nice to use , make my progress faster . Just need few more improvement when fighting the boss ! especially on weak point , but no worries the cheats still improving ! cant wait !
ESP !!10/10!! the best features for me ! making your grinf super easy ! especially finding those vault . It very annoying and can make u rage lol . the customization also very nice , u can customize almost everything !
Misc ! 10/10 also ! Theres a tons of usefull misc u can get from systemcheat ! everything was super usefull . i love how they keep listening to us and keep adding new features ! my favourite feature was , auto tp , unlimited mp and cd , no reload , fire rate and many more . basically all of them ! thanks a lot for keep improve the cheats !
Basically its the best cheat i ever use ! the staff also very responsible , answering everything that u ask ! The UI also very neat ! I cant wait for more update from them . thanks !
my trustpilot link :