Hello everyone and more precisely the staff and programmers of this site, first of all thank you for your work! I was banned from Battlefield V but it's entirely my fault I abused the cheats haha ... on the other hand for MW it's been 3 days now that I have been playing and nothing to say your cheats are just I think the best on the other hand the AIMBOT to lock the vehicles does not work but it is not very annoying.
in short to come back to the main subject, I would advise you to switch to the XENFORO platform which is much more fluid than VBULETIN and where you will have the possibility of adding various extensions such as donations to the site and many other extensions, the XENFORO license is payable and costs $ 120 per year but you can find it in *****ed version I had my own website you can watch this article on the net => https://www.zataz.com/zone-torrent/
(no need to look for the site, it is legally closed)
Briefly all that to say that you can install Free / Paid extensions in order to streamline the forum and at the goodwill of the site managers improved the visual of the site, thank you for taking the time to read.
PS: sorry if you have any misunderstanding but I am French so the translator does not always translate well
Exemple for color groups it is only personal colors, plus the smoke effect behind can be removed :